Ultra-dispersible, ‘green & clean’ replacement in ink applications
The highest quality, green, direct replacement for current grades of carbon black used in inks. Full stop. It has excellent pigmentation properties, is pre-milled for lower procession costs and has a PAH level below detection limits.
For ink applications, we manufacture two grades that prove to be a unique sustainable alternative for a wide range of current furnace and gas black grades – NEPtune 50 and NEPtune 70.
Especially in ink applications these 2 BBC NEPtune grades are, in full tone, excellent alternatives to many virgin carbon blacks considered to be the standard in many flexo, screen and gravure inks. As they contain a mix of different carbon blacks, application in inks with very thin wet/dry film weight needs to be tested as the coarser particles might lead to some degree of gloss loss.
Customer Testimonials
Praesent et semper risus. Duis pulvinar suscipit lacus sit amet gravida. Integer lacinia mattis porta. Ut vehicula massa sed libero sodales, ut elementum justo tincidunt. Quisque id elit vitae velit ultrices tempor. Suspendisse posuere urna quis mauris pellentesque aliquet. Donec at tempor nisl. Curabitur convallis posuere enim in suscipit. Phasellus in ex a nibh dapibus tristique eget dignissim diam.
Praesent et semper risus. Duis pulvinar suscipit lacus sit amet gravida. Integer lacinia mattis porta. Ut vehicula massa sed libero sodales, ut elementum justo tincidunt. Quisque id elit vitae velit ultrices tempor. Suspendisse posuere urna quis mauris pellentesque aliquet. Donec at tempor nisl. Curabitur convallis posuere enim in suscipit. Phasellus in ex a nibh dapibus tristique eget dignissim diam.
Praesent et semper risus. Duis pulvinar suscipit lacus sit amet gravida. Integer lacinia mattis porta. Ut vehicula massa sed libero sodales, ut elementum justo tincidunt. Quisque id elit vitae velit ultrices tempor. Suspendisse posuere urna quis mauris pellentesque aliquet. Donec at tempor nisl. Curabitur convallis posuere enim in suscipit. Phasellus in ex a nibh dapibus tristique eget dignissim diam.
Contact us for more information on use of our carbon blacks in:
Sheet-fed offset
Web offset coldest
Flexographic publications
Gravure publications
Gravure packaging
UV care printing inks
Non impact printing